1. Exercise: Take at least thirty minutes regular physical exercise a day. There are so many possibilities to choose whether it's swimming, running, cycling... or even dancing.
2. Walk more: Always try to make short trips on foot instead of car traveling as a matter of fact. If it's a longer journey, how about walking to the next bus stop or getting off the tube a stop earlier? It helps you to strengthen your heart.
3. Eat well: Healthy eating means a balanced, varied and adequate diet that includes plenty of fruit and vegetables.
4. Five a day We're all familiar with the recommendations of five portions of fruit and vegetables a day, but many doctors also recommend eating smaller, but more frequent meals.
5. Get fresh: Get rid of all processed and packaged foods contain salt, sugar and other additives. You should start with fresh ingredients then you know exactly what you're adding.
6. A pinch of salt: Hypertension – the high blood pressure - is a risk for many health problems including heart attack and stroke, and salt is likely to make it worse. When you are cooking those fresh ingredients, try adding spices and herbs for flavoring.
7. Healthy eating habits: It's not just important what you eat, but how you eat it really counts. Chew slowly, pause between mouthfuls, put your cutlery down for a moment... you'll digest your food better and probably end up eating less. Serve the amount you are going to eat onto an individual plate and don't go back for seconds.
8. More water: Drink more water. 8 to 12 glass 0f water a day will help your digestion and it's good for the skin, too.
9. Avoid smoking: Avoid smoking it increases the heart beat which puts a pressure on heart and by the time heart is not able to functioning properly which leads to heart fail.
10. Be relaxed: Always be relax don't take superfluous strain it affect your nervous system which leads to heart disfunctioning.
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