Project: Awareness Pakistan

Noorudin.S.Bhamani (PWD)
President (Pakistan Chapter): World Association of Persons With Disabilities
President: Awareness Voluntary Organization (DSW 3100-K)
134, Amynabad, Off Martin Road,
P.I.B Colony, Karachi - 74800.
Tel: Direct-34946615, 34132989, 34132988
Cell: 03002395615, 03333043238
" You might not be able to solve the World's Problem by your Activity, but when you help even one person, you become part of the Solution, and that is Achievment." (NSB)
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Project: Awareness Pakistan
Awareness Voluntary Organization (Project Awareness Pakistan) conducted an Awareness Workshop on 'Instructions & Forms for a Disability Certificate' on 15th December 2011 to educate the Special Schools, NGO's working for the Disabled Community, parents & caretakers on how to acquire a Disability Certificate with minimum barriers.
The course was conducted by Mr Anwar Siddiqui DDO Jamshad Town (CDD) CDG Karachi, with Mr Nasir Qazalbash Assit Dir SWD (Sindh). Mr Shakeel Ahmed Khan (Training Consultant) CDGK & Mr Noorudin .S.Bhamani (PWD) President Awareness Voluntary Organization also spoke on this occasion.
Many representatives from different Special Schools, Caretakers & the energetic team of Community Service Volunteers' from TELENOR PAKISTAN participated in this workshop.
Noorudin.S.Bhamani (PWD)
President (Pakistan Chapter): World Association of Persons With Disabilities
President: Awareness Voluntary Organization (DSW 3100-K)
134, Amynabad, Off Martin Road,
P.I.B Colony, Karachi - 74800.
Tel: Direct-34946615, 34132989, 34132988
Cell: 03002395615, 03333043238
" You might not be able to solve the World's Problem by your Activity, but when you help even one person, you become part of the Solution, and that is Achievment." (NSB)
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