Sociological Model
UNIT – 3: Psycho-Social Training of Special Children
Severity of Handicap, Adjustment and Self-Concept
Defence Mechanisms
Body Image
Empathy Vs Sympathy
Issues of Gender, Sexuality and Disability
UNIT – 4: Community and Professional Issues in Special Education
Early Childhood Intervention
Working with Parents
Involving Community Agencies and Business Groups
Factors that Drive the Profession
School Reform
UNIT – 5: Social and Ethical Issues
The Life Cycle: Issues and Ethics
Prenatal Issues and Ethics
Ethical Issues during the Early Years
Ethical Issues during the School Years
Ethical Issues during the Adulthood
New Issues Future Directions
Recommended Books:
Drew, C. J. and Hardman, M. L. (2000). Mental Retardation: A Life Cycle Approach (7th Ed.). New Jersey: Merrill an Imprint of Prentice Hall, pp. 379 – 408.
Eichstaedt, C. B. and Kalakian, L. H. (1982). Developmental / Adapted Physical Education: Making Ability Count. New York: MacMillan Publishing Co. pp. 47 – 58.
Ysseldyke, J. E. and Algozzine, B. (1995). Special Education: A Practical Approach for Teachers, (3rd Ed.). Geneva, Illinoosis: Houghton Mifflin Co., pp. 4545 – 536.
Optional Paper III : Curriculum and Instructional Practices in Special Education
Credit Hours : 03
UNIT – 1: Introduction
Definition and Concept of Curriculum
1.2. Curriculum Development
Definition and Concept
Curriculum Planning
Curriculum Implementation
Curriculum Evaluation
Curriculum in Special Education
Normal Curriculum
Modified Curriculum
Developmental Curriculum
UNIT – 2: Flexibility in Curriculum
Approaches and Activities useful in Improving Attention and Retention
Approaches and Activities useful in Improving Visual and Auditory Perception
Approaches and Activities useful in Improving Motoric Responding and Active Participation
Approaches and Activities useful in Improving and Acquiring Environmental Knowledge and Skill
Social Curriculum
UNIT – 3: Curricular and Instructional Accommodations at Elementary Level
Curricular Consideration
Academic Instruction
Social Skills
Instructional Consideration
Enhancing Content Learning Through Listening
Modifying Oral Presentations
Adapting Reading Tasks
Enhancing Written Responding
Involving Peers, Cooperative Learning
Modifying the Temporal Environment
Modifying in Classroom Arrangement
Enhancing Motivation
Promoting Self-Management
Adaptive Instruction
UNIT – 4: Curricular and Instructional Accommodations at Secondary Level
Secondary School Curricula
Special Education Curriculum in Secondary Schools
Determining Curricular Needs of Students
Programs for Students in Secondary Schools
Role of Personnel
Collaborative Role of the Special Education Teacher
Role of the Parent
Methods for Facilitating Students' in General Education Classes
Study Skills
UNIT – 5: Art, Creativity and Career Education
Teaching of Art
Basic Materials
Art Activities at the Various Development Stages
Basic Concepts
Developmental Stages
How to Develop Creativity in Special Children
Role of Music in Special Education
Activities, Suggestions and Strategies
Career Education
Defining Career Education
The Life-Centered Career Education Model
Three Stages of Career Education
Career Education Curriculum
Recommended Books:
Marsh, C. and Willis, G. (1995). Curriculum: Attention Approaches and Ongoing
Issues. New Jersey: Merrill Publishing Co. pp. 3 – 37.
Hewett, F. M. and Forness, S. R. (1984). Education of Exceptional Learners, Boston: Allyn and Bacon, Inc., pp. 61 – 108.
Smith, T. E. C. et al (1995). Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, p. 378 – 443.
Luftig, R.L. (1987). Teaching the Mentally Retarded Student: Curriculum Methods, and Strategies. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, p. 433 – 396.
Optional Paper IV: Inclusive Education
Credit Hours : 03
Unit 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition and Concept of Inclusion
1.2 Rationale for Inclusive Education
1.2.1 The Ethical Issues
1.2.2 The Socialization Issues
1.2.3 Developmental issues
1.2.4 The Cost Issue
1.3 Supporting Inclusion
1.3.1 Structuring Child-Child Interactions
1.3.2 Planning Classroom Activities
1.3.3 Professional Collaboration
1.4 Benefits of Inclusion
1.4.1 Benefits for Children with Disabilities
1.4.2 Benefits for Typically Developing Children
1.4.3 Benefits for Families
1.4.4 Benefits for Society
1.5 Concerns and Challenges of Inclusion
Unit 2: Inclusive Strategy
2.1 Identity Classroom Environmental, Curricular, and
Instructional Demands
2.2 Note Student Learning Strengths and Needs
2.3 Check for Potential Areas of Student Progress
2.4 Look for Potential Problem Areas
2.5 Use Information Gathered to Brainstorm instructional
2.6 Decide which adaptations to Implement
2.7 Evaluate Student Progress
Unit 3: Inclusion Models
3.1 Programs where Students Receive Intervention in Special
Education Settings
3.1.1 Special Class Approach
3.1.2 Resource Room Model
3.2 Programs where Students Receive Education in General
Education Classroom
3.2.1 Regular Education Initiative
3.2.2 Inclusion
3.3 Methods to Enhance Inclusion of Students with Disabilities
Unit 4: Adaptations Necessary for Inclusion
4.1 Student with Low-Incidence Disabilities
4.1.1 Students with Moderate, Severe, or Multiple Disabilities
4.1.2 Students with Sensory Impairments
4.1.3 Students with Physical or Health Disabilities
4.1.4 Students with Autism
4.2 Students with High-Incidence Disabilities
4.2.1 Students with Communication Disorders
4.2.2 Students with learning and Behavior Disabilities
4.3 Other Students with Special Needs
4.3.1 Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD)
4.3.2 Students who are Gifted and Talented
4.3.3 Students who are Culturally Diverse
4.3.4 Students who are At-Risk
Unit 5: Analyzing Instructional Environment
5.1 Organization of Inclusive Classroom
5.2 Group Formation for all Students for Instruction in Inclusive
5.3 Instructional Materials for Inclusive Classrooms
5.4 Instructional Methods in Relation to Student Needs
Recommended Books:
Allen, K E and Schwartz, I S (1996). The Exception Child: Inclusion in Early Childhood Education. Albany, New York: Delmar Pub. Co.
Friend, M and Bursuck, W (1996). Including Students with Special Needs: A Practical Guide for Classroom Teachers. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Smith, T E C et al. (1995). Teaching Students with Special Needs in Inclusive Settings. Boston: Allyn and Bacon.
Credit Hours: 03
Unit 1: Introduction
1.1 Definition and concept of rehabilitation
1.2 Theories of community based rehabilitation
1.3 Prevention of disabilities
Unit 2: Philosophy of rehabilitation
2.1 Philosophical influences on rehabilitation
2.2 Islamic philosophy
2.3.2 Western philosophy
2.4 A framework for rehabilitation
Unit 3: Mobilizing for community action
3.1 The need of community involvement
3.2 Establishing a core group/rehabilitation committee
3.3 Need assessment
3.4 Screening of disabilities
3.5 Epidemiological surveys
3.6 Mobilizing resources (Philanthropist, professionals, volunteers,
donor agencies and local resources
Unit 4: Management of the CBR programme
4.1 Role of NGOs
4.2 Proposal designing
4.3 Project implementation
4.4 Recording progress
4.5 Evaluation of the programme
Unit 5: Use of media
5.1 Media and audiences
5.2 Using the traditional media
5.3 Multi-media strategies
5.4 Disability awareness
5.5 Monitoring, evaluation, feedback and follow-up.
Recommended Books:
Intagliata, J, Kraus, S, and Willer, B, (1980). The impact of deinstitutionalization on a community-based service system. Mental Retardation.
Polard A, Hall, H, & Kiernan, C (1979). Community services planning. In P.R. Magrab & J O Elder (Eds). Planning services to handicapped persons:
Community education, health. Baltimore, MD: Brookes.
Schalock, R L (1985). Comprehensive community services: A plea for interagency collaboration. In R H Bruininks & K C Lakin (eds). Living and learning in the least restrictive environment. Baltimor, MD. Brookes.
Mamula, R A & Newman, N. (1973). Community placement of the mentally retarded. Springfield, IL Thomas.
Rhodes, L E, & Valenta, L (1985). Industry-based supported employment: An enclave approach. Journal of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps.
Wald, B A & Rhodes, L E (1984). Developing model vocational programmes in rural settings for adults with severe retardation: The mobile crew model. Paper presented at the meeting of the Association for Persons with Severe Handicaps, Chicago, IL.
Wolfensberger, W (1969). Twenty predictions about the future of residential services in mental retardation. Mental Retardation, 6(7), 51-54.
Wolfensberger, W (1972). The principle of normalization in human services.Toronto, Ontario: National Institute on Mental Retardation.
Unit 1: Perspective, Policies and Practices
History of concern for Early Intervention
- Changing Perspectives
- Changing Policies
Service Delivery Models
- For Infants & Toddlers
- For 3-5 Year Olds
- For 5-Year Old
Current Practices
- Family Centered Intervention
- Naturalistic / Functional Curriculum
- Integration
- General Case Instruction
- Naturalistic Teaching Approaches
- Trans-disciplinary Team Approach
- Transition Planning
Unit 2: Assessment and Program Development
a) Assessment for Early Intervention
b) Evaluating Child Development and Learning
- Assessment Curriculum System for Early Childhood
- Parent Involvement
- The Individualized Family Support Program (IFSP)
- Individualized Educational Plan Development
2.4. Home Based Program
Unit 3: Naturalistic Curriculum Model
- Traditional Curriculum Models
A Naturalistic Model
- Content of Instruction
- Context of Instruction
- Instructional Methods
- Evaluation Methods
- Implementing a Naturalistic Curriculum
Unit 4: Instructional Principles
Providing Assistance
- Prompts
- Graduated Guidance
- Cues
- Errorless Procedures
- Fading
Providing Encouragement
- Positive Reinforcement
- Shaping and Selective Reinforcement
- Environmental Arrangements
- Guidelines for Providing Effective Encouragement
Promoting Generalization
- Formulating General Case Objectives
- General Case Instruction
- Generalization Procedures
Unit 5: Specialized Instructional Techniques
- Communication Skills
- Social Skills
- Physical Development Skills
- Adaptive Development Skills
- Intervention in National Environment
- Group Instruction
Unit: 6: Program Organization, Management and Transition
- Programmatic Variables
- Program Management
- Transition in Early Childhood
- Planning Transition
- Barriers to Transition Planning
Noonan, M.J., & McCormick, L. (1993). Early Intervention in National in Natural Environment. California: Brooks.