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Monday, February 28, 2011
Saturday, February 26, 2011
Thursday, February 17, 2011
Sunday, February 13, 2011
Sunday, February 6, 2011
Course Outline - Earn Money Online in Pakistan
This is a complete Course Outline for a newbie. We aspects that you are a fresh user and your information and experience about earning money online is nil. Also you are not a webmaster, web designer, SEO expert and nothing know about HTML, PHP, and other webdesigning/develping languages.
Section/ Stage 1:-
- Earning Money online Overview
- What is Google ? Google Services ? (introduction: Adsense and Adwords)
- How google Adsense work?
- How it is possible in our country (Pakistan) to earn money online setting at Home?
- What are requirements to earn money online ?
- Basic knowledge about: what is a website?, Website designing?, Hosting, Web-servers? band width?, Disk space?
- Structure of a website ? (Domain Name?, Design, Content?, web-pages,?
- Website Designing and development Languages i.e HTML, PHP, JAVA, ASP
- Website Designing Softwares (Front page, Adobe Dream viewer)
- How to make Free Website for Earning purpose?
- Creat a Free website (Introduction of Wordpres and

- List of links covers Complete Website Making, Earning, Content Writing, SEO,
- Introduction Earn Money Online in Pakistan - Adds as seen on newspapers
- Introduction to Google Adsense- How Adsense Work
- Adsense New six month old domain policy for pakistan , china and bangladesh
- Basic requirement: Earn Money Online with adsense through your website.
- Introduction of Website, different between Static and Daymanic website
- What is Domain Name, Hosting, Servers bandwidths
- SEO light when purchasing a top level domain for website.
- Create accounts on different socials and community site before purchasing a domain name : Tips.
- Buy domain - How to Purchase a Good Domain - Domain Name Registration.
- Buy top level Domain in Pakistan
- Setup Your website - Choose theme, categories and area of working
- Introduction to - How to Run a free website on Blogger.
- Professional templates and design for - Blogger website
- Illuminate Your webstie with and Google analytic tracer
- Publishing First Article, thing to Remember
- How to add picture and videos
- Tools for writing content Urdu and English
- How to write content for website
- Introduction to Inpage (Write Urdu article on websites for baklinks)
- Introduction to MS Word (Spelling free English content Writing )
- Introduction to Adobe Photoshop (Make banner, adds, Pictures)
- Introduction to Camtasia Studio (Create videos for Youtube)
- Basic HTML and Uses of Meta tags. alt tags, head Tags
- What is seo- How to use SEO for better result and site promotion..
- What is SEO - How google search engine work.
- 10 Things must remember when making your content.
- Google Adword and keyword suggestion for SEO
- Off page and On page Optimization.
- Content Writing Skills - Where to get new content for web.
- Get New ready made content and Ideas from Google Alerts
- Introduction to Google Alerts -
- How to facilitate Google alerts for website content.
- Website depends on visitors: below are simplest methods to get visitor
- Use Groups i.e Yahoo Groups and Google Groups to get visitors
- Place a free classified add.
- Submit site to different Directories.
- Leave Backlinks on Comments and Fourms
- Use Community sites like Facebook, Google Community, Yahoo and MSN.
- Earn money from Google Adsense
- Introduction to google adsense
- How much you can earn and when will be paid.
- Setup adsense account - Overview
- How to get add and place on site.
- track adds proformance.
Beautiful Blogger Template | AdSense | Favicon | Google Analytics | HTML | Link List | Make Money Online | PageRank | Templates | Free Image and Video Hosting | Build Traffic | Urdu Inpage | Adobe Photoshop | Youtube |